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Name of Research Article(Volume 2 Issue 1 ,January 2013) ISSN: 2319-5967 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Heat and Mass Transfer Mixing Enhancements in Pipe-Line; Numerical CFD and Experimental Chores: A Review (Author's:Zahid HI Khokhar, MA S Al-Harthi, BF Abusharkh, HH Al-Ali, RN Sharma, HD Zughbi, AA Shaikh, HH Redhwi, A Abdurraheem, SU Rehman, SM J Zaidi, ZU Khan, IA Hussain, BS Yilbas)
1-11 |
2. |
Development of Microkernel for Multitasking with ARM11 (Author's:C. Naga Srikanth, M. Veda Chary, M. Sudhakar) |
12-17 |
3. |
Implementation of Complex Division Custom Instruction Hardware on Nios-II Processor (This Paper are suspended ) |
18-21 |
4. |
Understanding Network Latency in Thin Client Environment (Author's:Sumita U.Sharma, Y.B.Gandole) |
22-25 |
5. |
Evaluation of Modulus of Elasticity for Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete (Author's:Chetna M Vyas, Dr. Darshana R Bhatt) |
26-29 |
6. |
Using Portable Technology in the Calculus Problem Resolution (Author's:Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma) |
30-36 |
7. |
Novel Design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Reluctance Motor using Finite Element Method (Author's:D. Vimalakeerthy,Dr.N. Kanagaraj, Dr.M.Y.Sanavullah) |
37-45 |
8. |
Noise Estimation Using Filtering and SVD for Image Tampering Detection (Author's:U. M. Gokhale, Y.V.Joshi) |
46-53 |
9. |
Integrability over Fuzzy Number Space (Author's:K.P .Deepa, Dr.S.Chenthur Pandian) |
54-61 |
10. |
Parallel Enhancement in M-learning and Mobile Computing (Author's:Bhavna Khatri, Manmohan Singh, Dr. Pradeep Chouskey) |
62-66 |
11. |
Performance Analysis of Sequential Circuits using reversible logic (Author's:Sujata S. Chiwande , Shilpa S. Katre, Sushmita S. Dalvi; Jyoti C Kolte) |
67-75 |
12. |
Improvement of Case-Based Reasoning Using Segmentation of Comparison Sections (Author's:Sajed Zadeh Dadashi, Sahar Zadeh Dadashi, Ahmad Rostami) |
76-80 |
13. |
Investigation of Low Cost Concrete Using Industrial Waste as Supplementary Cementitious Materials (Author's:Jayraj VinodsinhSolanki, Jayeshkumar Pitroda) |
81-88 |
14. |
Evaluation of Modal Damping in FRP Based Laminated Composites through Modal Testing (Author's:Satish.N, Dr.P.V.Vijaya Kumar, Dr H.K.Shivanand) |
89-94 |
15. |
Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) based on Data Mining (Author's:S.A.Joshi, Varsha S.Pimprale) |
95-98 |
16. |
On a Two Pole Motor for Electric Propulsion System (Author's:M. Leijon, B. Ekergård, S. Apelfrojd, J.de Santiago, H. Bernhoff, R. Waters and S. Eriksson Swedish) |
99-111 |
17. |
Selection of Wavelets for Evaluating SNR, PRDand CR of ECG Signal (Author's:Ruqaiya Khanam, Syed Naseem Ahmad) |
112-119 |
18. |
Improving Efficiency and Security Based Data Sharing in Large Scale Network (Author's:B. SakthiSaravanan.,R.Dheenadayalu, A.Vijayaraj.) |
120-128 |
19. |
Attack Surfaces as a Metric for Version Change (Author's:Sukanth Sistla) |
129-132 |
20. |
Evaluation of Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Thermal Industry Waste (Fly Ash) and Paper Industry Waste (Hypo Sludge) (Author's:Jayeshkumar R. Pitroda, Dr F S Umrigar) |
133-138 |
21. |
Multifractal Analysis of Annual Run-Off: Using WTMM Method (Author's:Valsamma K.M)
139-145 |
22. |
GHOST - Geo Cache Hybrid On-Demand Scheme For Tracking VANET (Author's: K.Sudharson, N.Partheeban, A.M.Sermakani) |
146-151 |
23. |
Survey over Adaptive Compression Techniques (Author's: Vijay S Gulhane, Dr. Mir Sadique Ali) |
152-156 |
24. |
Comparative Study of Various NetworkProcessors Processing Elements Topologies (Author's: Shuchi Bhagwani) |
157-161 |
25. |
A Study of Cryptanalysis with Security Enhancement for a Modified Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol (Author's:Abhishek Shukla , Mohd.Vakil, Sakil Ahmad Ansari)
162-165 |
26. |
Efficiency of Ratio Estimators in StratifiedRandom Sampling Using Information onAuxiliary Attribute (Author's: Ran Vijay Kumar Singh, Ahmed Audu) |
166-172 |
27. |
Flexural Strength of Beams by Partial Replacement of Cement with Fly Ash and Hypo Sludge in Concrete (Author's:JayrajVinodsinhSolanki, Jayeshkumar Pitroda)
173-179 |
28. |
Intelligent PI Controller for Speed Control of SEDM using MATLAB (Author's:Amit Kumar Singh, Dr. A.K. Pandey)
180-189 |
29. |
A Survey on Image Upscaling (Author's: Supriya S. Thombre, Dr.L.G.Malik) |
190-199 |
30. |
Application of Galois Field in VLSI Using Multi-Valued Logic (Author's: Ankita.N.Sakhare, M.L.Keote) |
200-209 |
31. |
A Novel Approach Based Information Integrity Modeling (Author's: QamarRayees Khan, Muheet Ahmed Butt, Majid Zaman, Mohammad Asger) |
210-215 |
32. |
Stability Analysis of Mathematical Syn-Ecological Model Comprising of Prey-Predator, Host-Commensal, Mutualism andNeutral Pairs-IV (One of the Four Species areWashed out States) (Author's:B. Ravindra Reddy, R. Srilatha)
216-226 |
33. |
Electric Arc Furnace Flicker Mitigation in a Steel Plant Using a Statcom (Author's:P.M.Sarma, Dr.S.V.Jayaram Kumar)
227-231 |
34. |
Algorithm and Architecture for Control of Wireless Sensor Networks (Author's:G.Kalpana, T.Bhuvaneswari, S.Ravi)
232-245 |
35. |
Influence of Fuel Pressure Increment in Diesel Common Rail Engine Using External Tuning Box (Author's: Kitibodee Sethanunt, Dr.Saiprasit Koetniyom) |
246- 253 |
36. |
Speed Estimation Of 3-Phase BLDC Motor Using Genetic Algorithm (Author's: Pawin Jawayon, Jiraphon Srisertpol) |
254-263 |
37. |
An Improved Fast Thinning Algorithm for Fingerprint Image (Author's:Gayathri S, Dr. V Sridhar)
264-270 |
38. |
Digital Elevation Model is a Tool for Terrain Analysis: Implication and Interpretation with Reference to Kuya River Basin (Author's:Priyanka Das,Surajit Let)
271-275 |
39. |
Improvement of Ergonomic Factors That Affects Employees in a Textile Industry (Author's:Arun Narayanan, Cijo Mathew, VinodYeldo Baby)
276-282 |
40. |
Application of Gravitational Search Algorithm for Real Power Loss and Voltage Deviation Optimization (Author's:R. Suresh,C. Kumar,S. Sakthivel,S. Jaisiva)
283-291 |
41. |
An Efficient VLSI Architecture for 3D DWT Using Lifting Scheme (Author's: KARTHIKEYAN A, SARANYA P, JAYASHREE N) |
292-298 |
42. |
Non-Edible Oil as a Source of Bio-Lubricant for Industrial Applications: A Review (Author's:Prerna Singh Chauhan, Dr. V K Chhibber)
299-305 |
43. |
An Overview on Fate of Mercury and Its Recovery from Spent CFL Bulbs (Author's:L.kesavarao, V.Sridevi, M.V.V.Chandana lakshmi, Musalaiah.modi)
306-314 |
44. |
Information Integration: An Enterprise Solution (Author's:Majid Zaman,Muheet Ahmed Butt)
315-317 |
45. |
Adaptive Median Filter for Image Enhancement (Author's: Vicky Ambule, Minal Ghute, Kanchan Kamble, Shilpa Katre) |
318-323 |
46. |
Oxidative Stress Induced Histological Changes in Thyroid of Hyperthyroidism Patients (Author's:WidadJumaa Hamid)
324-330 |
47. |
Enhancement of Digital X-Ray Image by Combining the Genetic Optimization and Watershed Transformation Technique (Author's: Prasanna A. Lohe, D.D.Patil) |
331-335 |
48. |
Design and Development of Thai Railway Brake Disc under Temperature Analysis (Author's: Akara Sawardsuk, Saiprasit Koetniyom) |
336-344 |
49. |
Fatal Injury Mechanism Analysis of Occupants Especially Death of Left-Front Passenger for Offset-frontal Collision in Thailand (Author's: Krittapat Makarabhirom, Saiprasit Koetniyom) |
345-353 |
50. |
Recovery of Lead Metal from Lead Acid Battery by Hydrometallurgical Method (Author's: E.Yoheeswaran, Dr.S.Govindaradjane, Dr.T.Sundararajan) |
354-356 |
51. |
Experimental Investigation on Spinning of Aluminum Alloy 19500 Cup (Author's:G.Venkateshwarlu, K. Ramesh kumar, T.A.Janardhan Reddy, G.Gopi)
357-363 |
52. |
Spark Gap Optimization of WEDM Process on Ti6Al4V (Author's:Kuriachen Basil, Dr. Josephkunju Paul, Dr. Jeoju M.Issac)
364-369 |
53. |
Model Based Design for Effective Design and Development (Author's: Dr. V.R. Naik) |
370-374 |
54. |
Capacity of Open Rectangular Shear Walls (Author's: Essam M. Awdy, Hilal A. M. Hassan) |
375-383 |
55. |
FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Combined Torsion and Flexure (Author's: Esam El-Awady, Mohamed Husain, Sayed Mandour) |
384-393 |
56. |
Comparison Discriminate Characteristics 1 Rhino Metric Methods of Diagnosis (Author's: Husham Farouk Ismail Saied1, Oleg Grigorovitsh Avrunin) |
394-399 |
57. |
Kinds of Pre A*-lattices (Author's: Dr.Y. PRAROOPA) |
400-406 |
58. |
Design of a High Throughput Crypto Devices Based On AES (Author's:Lokesh Kumar.S, Arun Kumar.R, Vinoth Kumar.P, Santhosh Kumar.A, Sriram.A) |
407-415 |
59. |
Rheological Characterization ofSelf-Compacting Concrete: V-Funnel andHorizontal Plexiglas Channel (Author's: M.BENAICHA, O.JALBAUD, A.ALAOUI HAFIDI, Y.BURTSCHELL) |
416-425 |
60. |
Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Yttrium Vanadate based Phosphors (Author's:V. B. BHATKAR)
426-432 |
61. |
An Overview: Improved Harmony Search Algorithm and Its Applications in Mechanical Engineering (Author's:Sachin A. Patil, D. A. Patel) |
433-444 |
62. |
Significance of Finger Print in On-line Voting: An Approach (Author's: Sri Sachidananda S Joshi, Bhavana Desai) |
445-450 |
63. |
Development of Monitoring Unit for Data Acquisition from Avionic Bus (Author's: Anjana, Dr. N. Satyanarayan, M.Vedachary) |
451-459 |
64. |
A Case Study on Changing Business Environment at Cochin Port Trust (Author's: Muhammed Salih.K, Dr. Binu C Yeldhose) |
460-470 |
65. |
A Survey on Routing Protocols in ZigBee Network (Author's: Prativa P.Saraswala) |
471-476 |
66. |
Laboratory Study on Soil Stabilization Using Fly ash Mixtures (Author's: Gyanen. Takhelmayum, Savitha.A.L, Krishna Gudi) |
477-482 |
67. |
Microcontroller Based DDS Function Generator (Author's: Hitesh Mandaliya, Parthesh Mankodi, Bhumika Makwana) |
483-486 |
68. |
Design and Implementation of Automotive Security System using ARM Processor (Author's: Vishal P. Patil, Dr. K.B. Khanchandani) |
487-493 |
69. |
A New Methodology for Solving Different Economic Dispatch Problems (Author's: Divya Mathur) |
494-498 |
70. |
Authentication, Key Establishment & Cooperative Cache maintenance in Wireless P2P Environments Using GDC & Greedy Algorithm (Author's: N.Sandeep Chaitanya,P Sruthi,A Nandini, T.V Suresh Kumar,SP. Santhosh) |
499-508 |
71. |
Modeling the Transport-Diffusion of a Passive Pollutant in the Bay Of Martil (Morocco) (Author's: EL OUAHDANI Driss, ECHARRI Raouf , STITOU Mostafa) |
509-517 |
72. |
Comparative Analysis of Different Neural Networks for Tyre Model Parameters Identification of Longitudinal Brake Formula (Author's: C. Senabre, E. Velasco, S. Valero) |
518-527 |
73. |
Simple Hash Functions for Biometric Template Authentication (Author's:M.Mani Roja, Dr. Sudhir Sawarkar) |
528-534 |
74. |
Intelligent Agents: Personalization and Filters (Author's:Anita Gutta, Dr. Priti Srinivas Sajja) |
535-539 |
75. |
The Role of Rural Women in Watershed Development Project (Author's:J.Nittin Johnson, S.Govindaradjane, T.Sundararajan) |
540-544 |
76. |
Prevention of Unauthorized Access of Social Accounts- An Approach (Author's:Sri Sachidananda S Joshi, Bhavana Desai, Dr. J. L. Kalyan) (Withdrawn by Author's) |
545-550 |