International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT)

ISSN: 2319-5967

ISO 9001:2008 Certified

First Second third fourth fifith sixth seventh

Volume 6 Issue 2 March 2017

S.N.  Name of Research Article (Volume 6 Issue 2, March 2017)                                                           ISSN: 2319-5967 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) Page No.
1. Conceptual Design of Radar Data Processor as Plot Extractor for Automatic Detection and Tracking (Author's:Moutaman Mirghani) 1-9
2. Unsteady Hydro magnetic Couette Flow in Presence of Variable inclined Magnetic Field (Author's:E.M. Nyariki, M.N. Kinyanjui, P. R. Kiogora) 10-20
3. Indicators of equipment management of network sanitation (Author's:Armand MBADINGA, Aniss BAKKALI L, Driss FAHMI ET Mostafa STITOU) 21-25
4. Numerical Studies on Non-Prismatic Members (Author's:Junaid Nabi, I YaminiSreevalli) 26-32
5. Traffic flow smoothing based on individual desired speed (Author's:Yukiko Wakita, Kenta Yamada, Tomio Miwa, Takayuki Morikawa) 33-40
6. Seismic Performance of Two Story RC Frames with infill walls (Author's:WEN-I LIAO) 41-46
7. Implementation of Sensor Actuator Application and Input Output Hardware Layer of AUTOSAR (Author's:Banushree, Hamsini C, Dr. S Gayathri , Dr. K T Veeramanju) 47-54
8. Predictive Capability of the k-ωSST and Spalart- Allmarus Turbulence Models for a Double-Element Front Wing in Ground Effect-A CFD Analysis (Author's:Wael Mokhtar, Shardul Kachare) 55-63